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Veterinary position at Lilongwe Wildlife Centre

Veterinary position at Lilongwe Wildlife Centre
The Lilongwe Wildlife Centre is Malawi’s only internationally accredited wildlife sanctuary counting the likes of the Tusk Trust, Born Free Foundation and the AAP Foundation amongst our supporters.  As a ‘People and Wildlife’ project we also have a number of environmental education and outreach programs working together with the local community and have won awards for our work. 
Almost every week we have new injured, orphaned or illegally traded wildlife coming in to our centre. We currently house around 200 wild residents including different kind of primates, antelopes, reptiles, bird and cats like leopard, lion and serval.  We endeavor to work to the highest animal care and welfare standards and continuously work on improvement of our facilities and care protocols. Our ultimate goal is to release animals back into the wild, however, only if this is suitable and appropriate. With such a busy animal care department we’re looking for a qualified veterinarian to join the LLWC team for a minimum period of 9 months. 
Key duties and responsibilities
Within this position you will be responsible for all the basic veterinary care of the animals at the centre. This means giving treatment in case of injuries or illness, but also performing preventive health check on our residents and quarantine animals. You always give the animals the best possible veterinary care, and consciously strive to improve the care standards by improving and up-dating current protocols and procedures. You will perform all duties to maintain our animal care clinic, including keep it clean and tidy, perform stock checks and purchases medication when required. At all times you keep the veterinary records up to date. Next to your work as veterinarian, you are willing to help the Animal Care Manager with the rehabilitation of the animals, including orphan care and performing animal integrations whenever required. During rescues and releases you will assist in case any veterinary assistance is required. Last but not least, as we run a very active volunteer program, you involve volunteers and veterinary students in your daily work wherever possible and appropriate.
Your profile:
·         You are a confident, hard working and outgoing team player
·         You do not mind living on-site and work unsociable hours whenever your job requires
·         You are practical and creative and like the challenge of working in a developing country with sometimes limited resources
·         You have affinity working with rescued wildlife
·         You are confident and have the experience to do most of the basic veterinary procedures on our resident animals
·         You have affinity and experience working with rescued wildlife
·         You are able to provide training to staff regarding animal health
·         You are capable to and like to involve volunteers and veterinary students in your daily tasks
·         You have (preferably) previous experience working in Africa
Terms of position:
This is a temporary and voluntary position starting in October. We provide on-site accommodation, basic meals and a 100.000 Malawian Kwacha stipend per month for basic expenditures.  On successful completion of a 9 month stay there will also be a contribution towards a flight of up to £750. 
Application Deadline:
August 21st 2013
Application procedure:
Please send your CV and a cover letter by e-mail to Mr. J. Iepema, Animal Care Manager of the Lilongwe Wildlife Centre: Please mention within your letter when you will be available to fulfill this position.

For more information about our project you can read our annual report here:


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